
The accordion component allows the user to show and hide sections of related content on a page.

Create amazing Typeform-like forms and pages just by writing Markdown!

How it works #

The accordion uses the collapse component internally to make it collapsible. We highly recommend reading about that component first in order to understand how the mechanism for expanding/collapsing works for accordion items.

Example #

Given below is an example of an accordion component. Click the accordion items below to expand/collapse the accordion content. Note that by default, the accordion items have their background colors set to transparent (just like tables). You can change this using a background color utility on the .accordion.

This is the first item's accordion body, and it is shown by default.

This is the second item's accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.

This is the third item's accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.
<div class="accordion" id="accordion-example-1">
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-1-1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-1-1">
        Accordion item 1
    <div id="collapse-1-1" class="accordion-collapse collapse show" data-bs-parent="#accordion-example-1">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        This is the <strong>first item's</strong> accordion body, and it is shown by default.
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-1-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-1-2">
        Accordion item 2
    <div id="collapse-1-2" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordion-example-1">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        This is the <strong>second item's</strong> accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-1-3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-1-3">
        Accordion item 3
    <div id="collapse-1-3" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordion-example-1">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        This is the <strong>third item's</strong> accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.

Flush #

Add .accordion-flush to remove some borders and rounded corners to render accordions edge-to-edge with their parent container. Here's an example of an edge-to-edge accordion inside of a card component.

Modified: 1st Jan, 2023 at 2:41 PM

Kind: Markdown
Size: 15,933 bytes (16 KB used)
Branch: main

<div class="accordion accordion-flush" id="accordion-example-2">
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-2-1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-2-1">
    <div id="collapse-2-1" class="accordion-collapse collapse show" data-bs-parent="#accordion-example-2">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        <strong>Kind:</strong> Markdown<br />
        <strong>Size:</strong> 15,933 bytes (16 KB used)<br />
        <strong>Branch:</strong> <code>main</code>
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-2-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-2-2">
        Open with:
    <div id="collapse-2-2" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordion-example-2">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        <select class="form-select" aria-label="Open with">
          <option value="Codespaces" selected>Codespaces</option>
          <option value="VS Code">VS Code</option>

Always open #

Omit the data-bs-parent attribute on each .accordion-collapse to make accordion items stay open when another item is opened.

This is the first item's accordion body, and it is shown by default.

This is the second item's accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.

This is the third item's accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.
<div class="accordion" id="accordion-example-3">
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-3-1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-3-1">
        Accordion item 1
    <div id="collapse-3-1" class="accordion-collapse collapse show">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        This is the <strong>first item's</strong> accordion body, and it is shown by default.
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-3-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-3-2">
        Accordion item 2
    <div id="collapse-3-2" class="accordion-collapse collapse">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        This is the <strong>second item's</strong> accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.
  <div class="accordion-item">
    <h2 class="accordion-header">
      <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-3-3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-3-3">
        Accordion item 3
    <div id="collapse-3-3" class="accordion-collapse collapse">
      <div class="accordion-body">
        This is the <strong>third item's</strong> accordion body, and it is shown when the appropriate button is clicked.

Accessibility #

The animation effect of the accordion component is dependent on the prefers-reduced-motion media query. See the reduced motion section of our accessibility documentation. You can also find more useful information in the collapse accessibility section.

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